@multiplat: It wasn't a specific movement, rather a combination of a few things.
1. I was training to do a one armed chinup, and over developed my latissimus dorsi, without counter balancing the opposing muscle group.
2. I play badminton competitively, which uses a lot of overhead shoulder elevation movements
3. I hiked 3 hours with an 80 lb backpack where the waist strap wouldn't cinch tight enough for me, leaving the load on my shoulders rather than my legs.
4. Finally, I was really sick with a hardcore chest cold during the hike, and frquently having coughing fits. Pretty sure this was the straw that broke the camel's back, so to speak.
End result was a pinched nerve which paralyzed my serratus anterior (the muscle that keeps your shoulder blades flat against the rib cage), so all the muscles in my neck, like the levator scapulae and trapezius perma-knotted themselves as the body's response to compensate for the non functioning SA.
TLDR: a combination of things, I'm a 38 year old idiot who still treats his body like a 25 year old, and broke my own advice by not training everything equally lol.
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