You're missing the Persian empire (which controlled basically half of the planet) and this Islamic Caliphate (arabia) which was the only nation to reverse colonize Europe. Yet you have.... these.
This is my ranking, empires span across all of their reigns
1) Islamic Caliphate: Most advanced (medically), world renouned for fair teatment, colonized Europe for a change, were out numbered and won
2) Roman Empire: Most colonies/Colonial intigration. It was alright living under their rule, shaped a lot of cultural norms in mid-east and southern Europe. Excellent structure.
3) Persian Empire: By far, most land captured, most nations under one nation, high amounts of influence on far eastern asia.
Bottom 3
1) Ottoman Empire: Destroyed foundations of original Islamic empire, epic fail
2) Soviet Russia: Every nation under them revolted, in what ended up with them being own by Afghanistan...
3)Imperial Britian: Went on too much of a power trip, screwed itself up, was extremely aparthide driven, greatly outstepped bounds.
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