My Spanish teacher is a complete idiot, she is a nice person but her teaching methods are breathtakingly stupid. Her idea of giving us work is to have us rip up index cards into fours and write vocab words on them but what she doesn't realise is that we can't take the cards home to study because she won't let us. Instead of us using a notebook she has us rip out pages from our notebooks to create a packet she calls Mis Palabras. We are supposed to keep this packet which would have served us perfectly fine in our notebooks, in good condition and keep it updated because she will randomly check our packets and grade them. What we put in Mis Palabras ranges from homework to a sort of web diagram that has ten words branching of a single subject. She will make us color these web diagrams because...well she just wants them colored, it doesn't serve a purpose she just wants them covered. She also loves to give us work involving the computer, whether it be online homework to a powerpoint she always seems to be looking for as many opportunities to make us go through the frustrating process of typing in Spanish and making accented letters all on these terrible computers. The desktops are all positioned so close to each other you barely have enough room to use your mouse, and the laptops are practically all junk because a lot of them are missing a lot of keys. Today we had to make a table in Microsoft word that had all the vocab words for a chapter, we were copying them from the book and we had to save them to the public server so that she could grade how well we could copy down words, that is litterally all we were doing just copying down words from a list.
And another thing she does: In my class there are two kids with the same name and I'm one of them and my teacher constantly refers to us by our first name, her logic is that we should know that the kid who's not me comes first I come last but this logic doesn't really apply when she is trying to call one of us to her desk and all she's saying is "Alex, come here". I don't understand why she can't say our last names or call one of us Alex and the other Alexander or something.
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