Man I can tell you every damn detail.
It was the beginning of the week and I was in high school (a senior), and we always review our football games in the mornings on Mondays or Tuesdays. So I was walking from my car to the classroom where we review film, walked in, and I thought it was an action movie so I was like "Woh what are we watching" and no one says anything then I realize it is a live news broadcast.
So I was at school and they can't really let us go home since we are already there (this was 2001, before safe spaces and every little thing was a threat....god I miss pre-9/11 America) so I and everyone at school basically went from class to class, and the teachers with TVs had the news on and we just kind of watched the reports all day. I live in California but sine the WTC served, on an average day, about 52,000 people there were a few students who got calls about relatives that may or may not have been in the towers.
I remember the initial death estimates of 50,000, then the more realistic ones that were still shockingly high, but the thing that stuck with my most was just the image of the plane/s crashing into the towers. It was so surreal, like...I don't know man, it's hard to explain. And then the towers collapsing, and that dust cloud! Oh man that dust cloud. Then the cell phone and video recordings came in and you started seeing things as they happened on the bottom floor, on the street, or the people that were jumping out to escape the fire.
It was definitely a defining moment in recent history, and things have been a little bit different after that. They were significantly different in the immediate years following it, too, that's for sure. Patriot act, two wars, loss of good will, W. Bush the warlord, Cheney and Rumsfeldt and all those bastards, etc.
9/11 was a terrible day for a variety of reasons; I don't give it much thought any more, but it definitely changed things for the US as a government and a nation.
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