As mentioned above numerous times, I would not put too much stock in thier delivery systems as is.
And if they try, I would hate to break it to you, but I somewhat doubt that the US will make it tin time to crush the NK since they have no Allies left China would likely see NK as a right treasure chect of minerals, and would only need an excuse, SK and Japan atleast would despite far less powerful likely begin bombings and whatnot since Both of those dislike NK a whole lot, and despite NK has a mindnumbingly huge army and a lot of artillery and cannons, the NK infrastructure is near none existant, plainly I doubt NK has the resources to have thier Army running on wartime needs for thier soldiers, not enough food, roads are not exactly mint, and hard to say how much of thier hardware is in order for battle. So even the relatively small armies of SK and Japan, with the army bases dotted around would likely put a bigger dent into the NK defenses then one would expect.
But then again, If there is one nation in which I would not dismiss the militery hardware it is China, and I am almost certain that they would love the notion of not having to pay for mining operations anymore (Not to mention that they would earn a lot of goodwill for such an act).
So the US would likely be lucky if they were to crush NK as payback, although I do suspect the US would atleast be able to be there in numbers when the theoritical war is halfway done, simply because of logistics (Note I do not consider airstrikes and small landings as an US retaliation, no doubt they would have units there at the very start, but the mainbody, would take time).
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