I was going to use the word gang instead of criminal organization, but it didn't seem to describe what I am looking for. When I define the term "criminal organization" I mean a group of people or a kind of association of people who follow the same rules and basically are terrorists. (I'll describe why soon.) Something like an example would be the Mara Salvatrucha gang or "MS13" in El Salvador. I now they are also going strong in other areas of the americas, especially the U.S, hear me out though. Being a Salvadorian myself, although living in Canada I have heard of many stories and seen news about the overall crime that goes on in El Salvador, I have also lived there for at least a year.
The main reason why I'm posting this is because I have had my fair share of discussion with my relatives about the situation over there in El Salvador, and I was really wondering what you're guys take on this whole issue is.
I can honestly go on for about an hour or two telling you various stories of people I have known who have been murdered by gangs. But I won't. Although I will delve into the area of determining why I believe that the MS13 and other gangs are defined and classified as terrorists.
-These various groups determine a tax for people who own a business. Basically here's how it works, these gangs go to families and basically tell the owners they have to pay a certain amount of earnings based on the amount you earn. SO you might be asking, what if you fail to comply with this tax? It's simple, you get shot down.
-Are basically invincible to police or any form of authorities. Honestly this one really pisses me off, basically bigger groups like MS13 basically have the authorities on payroll, so they're basically untouchable.
They have so much more other criminal activities going on in El Salvador it's hard to list them.
Now on to the topic, what would be the best way to get rid of a criminal organization of terrorists like this? Honestly, it has gotten very worse over the past decade it's not even funny. I was reading up, and to me the only real way they can solve this problem is to declare some sort of martial law. I've also heard of something like this going on in some countries in Africa where the government has declared gangs a part of terrorism where authorities have the right to just get rid of them. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
I'n conclusion, I would like to say I am definitely not the best at bringing iup a discussion like this and basically writing an essay, but I would really like to hear your thoughts.
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