This is not anti-american in any way, in fact if anyone here watched my posts you'd see I'm a nut at defending the US.
This is just trying to think about what would happen in the world if, say, the US disappeared. Mainland, that is. Lets just assume an alien bomb blew up North America (canada, mexico, and the US). What would happen?
IMO we'd have China, Russia, and other baddies take advantage and invade lesser countries. We'd see an escalation of tensions everywhere. Japan and Australia would probably invade China, as China would try to invade Taiwan and Mongolia, which would lead to invasions of Japan and Australia. Russia would invade China, seeing as it did that in the 40s. It would threaten Europe with nukes. Arab Islamo-extremists would think it was a prophecy or something and invade Israel. Non extremists would immigrate to Israel, Europe, Pakistan, and Russia. Israel might deploy nuclear weaponry, or just might wait for the enemy to gather, then carpet bomb them, summarily followed by a takeover of minor arabian countries. Eygypt and S Africa would try to build up whatever they had. Africa would therefore remain the same. S Africa would remain the same.
Doubtless US troops already deployed everywhere would accelerate the elimination of any enemies in the world in their respective locations. S Afrika and Iraq would almost instantly become mini-USes. Then, nuclear weaponry by Russia and the world 'might' be deployed, seeing as Europe failed to allow the US to build a missile shield and seeing as combined nuclear weaponry from non-US countries would be nothing compared to the ex-US's nukes.
Anyways, there be a possible scenario. Feel free to comment or post you own, under my paramaters or your own, with the destruction of US land or other countries, etc.
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