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I'd run to the nearest convenience store to buy a disposable camera.
Then probably I'd make a necklace out of their skulls.
black metal much.[QUOTE="nimatoad2000"]id scream, and the camera would zoom out to my house, neighborhood, city, then to a image of the world.. Slayer's Raining Blood would start playing, then i would pick up my M4.. go outside and say ... LETS DO THIS... 4 ninja's would come out of nowhere, id pull out my concealed Kodachi and kill all but one, leaving one alive just enough to tell me who did this, i would from then go to Kill the man who killed my parents. when i get there i will say " I AM _______ ____________ " " You KIlled my Parents, Prepair to Die"Annihilattoris this like a storyboard for your new upcoming movie or something? would you watch it? it sounds cool dosn't it. also yes, the movie is going to be called " 2nd to Last Action Hero"
[QUOTE="nimatoad2000"][QUOTE="Annihilattor"] is this like a storyboard for your new upcoming movie or something?Annihilattorwould you watch it? it sounds cool dosn't it. also yes, the movie is going to be called " 2nd to Last Action Hero" yeah i would whatch it...when is it released? once i get actors for it, a production team, enough money to make it, and it all gets filmed.. soo.. um.. soon? :P
get over it[QUOTE="Annihilattor"][QUOTE="yokofox33"]
That's just terrible. I hate death threads... :cry:
I refuse. These threads are depressing. I wouldn't have clicked on it if the title topic wasn't so enticing :lol:
Me too... Hm...I think I would check how they were killed, call the police, than call to the cemetery to arrange the funeral... They I would cry at the funeral, come back home and enjoy rivers of ensurance money. = )I'd be sad. I would tell my Grandma. She would let me stay with her. She will bake me chocolate chip cookies every day. I will eat them. As I would go to my parents funeral. And have chocolate chip cookies there. There I will eat them. And everyone would be crying saying "Oh no.." and as kool-aid man would bash through the building screaming "OH YEAH!!!"..Just as then Peter Pan would fly in fighting space ninjas. As there it will end, where the space ninjas kill Peter Pan and all run away. As kool-aid man will be standing over my parents coffins yelling "OH YEAH!!" pushing his hips in and outover their bodies, accidently getting kool-aid on them. As I will take a shotgun and blow kool-aid man away. As then unicorns run into the building, with rainbows, bunnys, and lots of flowers. Behind them, Barbie and Ken, just got married, singing "Barbie Girl"..and the rest will be continued.
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