@MrGeezer: @MrGeezer: continuing on from your post on my other thread that got locked....wow you went deep, to deep lol of course people you love can always do something that will make you not love them or not want to see them, that goes without saying. That's not what this threads about though. I get what your saying in your second comment if you're the main bread winner and you lose your bread winning skills things can get hard and stressful and it can break relationships, but you would hope that you would have a true strong enough love to make it through the rough times, would you rather a love like that or a fake love based on what you can provide?
I mean you see it all the time a nice looking girl with a ugly maybe much older man, why is she with him? For security, looks and love personality don't play a part for her, as long as she can get her hair an nails done live in a big house, get the latest Louis v hambag drive around in a Benz she's happy, and some guys know that but they don't care, they prob sleep around on each other argue like cat and mouse.
I would rather have a woman that would stick with me through thick an thin and be ok financially, rather than be rich in a shallow loveless relationship
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