Regardless of whether you believe in any type of religion, any type of government, or anything similar to those things, I believe that all of the negative messages towards us from people who feel superior to everyone else separates us from the natural world and ourselves.
Shouldn't we be looking at our common qualities everyday, especially in hard times? Don't we need to embrace one another, and not be so quick to judge or put people in categories?
We are all the same; meaning we all are born, we live our lives, and then we die. Why complicate life with trivial things such as who has more money, who is smarter, or who is more pretty. Why not worry about the things in life that actually matter day after day such as enjoying the limited amount of time that we actually have here on Earth, and maybe trying to make life enjoyable for others as well by accepting disagreements, embracing life for today and not tomorrow, and spreading love and happiness throughout the world.
Maybe people should try to remember that almost anything we've ever learned in school, or from our parents or from anyone besides ourselves was someone elses way of thinking and someone elses way of logic. Perhaps we should be more worried about what potential things we as humans have? Things that we call "natural" are actually the way we act as well, such as how animals act/react towards each other, towards environmental changes, and towards other species. We have to remember that we are all part of the same natural world and that we, just like "the animals" have to eat, sleep, and procreate. Those are the only needs of survival for humans or any other species.
However, it might be our intellect that makes us conceited enough to think that we have a higher meaning in life, or that we are separate from nature or above other species. We need to realize that regardless of how you live your life, who you are, or what age,race or sex you are, your time here is limited. Once you understand, and accept the fact that one day you are going to die, and that life will go on afterwards; everything changes. So why worry about materialistic things such as money, cars, houses, clothes...
The only thing these do is cloud our vision of what really matters, and that is Love & Happiness.
So I guess what I'm trying to say is forget about what everyone else thinks, because what you think is the only thing that truly matters to you. Life is always what YOU make it, no one else...until something such as another person steps into your life and says that you are wrong and they are right. This is exactly what people do to each other: We argue and fight about the most ignorant things imaginable just to persuade others to think like one another or submit to their will. These are things that EVERYONE does to each other, because that is how we have been raised to think and act like. What if we were raised to love everyone, and talk to and respect everyone and what they have to say? Most people say that is a Utopia and that it can never happen. But it is those people who want it more than anything, and are afraid of failing an attempt to make it happen. I am unafraid, and I will continue to write and spread my message of Free Will wherever I go. Just remember to think... because it is the last thing the people who are controlling our lives want us to do.
Even this message is not absent of my bias because these are my beliefs... But I guess what everything all comes down to is WHAT DO YOU WANT OUT OF LIFE? Whatever it may be, then follow it. I am sure that no matter what your agenda will be, it will most likely be to make yourself happy along the way, which is as it should be.
Also consider that other people may not have the same idea, and respect their decision as well, and let our actions only affect other beings or the world in a way that doesn't interfere with their free will and personal agenda.
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