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My days are pretty typical.
During the week...
Wake up at 7 (or 6:30 on Mondays and Thursdays for my first period orchestra class)
Go to school (anatomy, AP English, chemistry, lunch, band, AP Psychology, Latin IV)
Go to a club meeting if there is one (usually Latin Club)
Go to pep band if there is a performance
Come home or hang out with friends for a few hours
Get online/play games/watch a movie
Do homework
Get online
During the weekends...
Chill either at home or with friends
Wake up
Pull some pants on
Go to the bathroom
Text girlfriend
Go to school
Keep texting girlfriend
Get out of school
Keep texting girlfriend
Listen to music
Play some games before my girlfriend gets out of school
Text girlfriend while shes in band
Call girlfriend when she gets home
Talk to girlfriend
She goes to sleep
I listen to more music
I go to sleep
Over and over again x)
Depends on the day.
Tuesday- wake at 6am, drive to college. First class is from 9am to 12:50pm. Then I've got this ridiculously long gap of time before my next class which starts at 6pm and ends at 6:50pm. After that I go home and either do homework or relax.
Wednesday- I have one class that day so I don't have to be at school til 2:00pm. In the morning I could either sleep in or catch up on homework. Then I drive to school and have a class that goes from 2:00pm to 5:50pm. I don't get back home til after 7:00 because of traffic.
Thursday- My first class is at 10:00am, so I have to leave home at around 8:45. First class ends at 1:50, then I have ten minutes until my next class starts. Second class ends at 5:50pm. Then I drive home and do homework.
Friday- First class that day is at 9:00am, so I wake at 6am. The class ends at 12:50 and I have another gap of time before my next class. My next class that day is from 2:00 to 3:50, so I don't get home til around after 5:00.Friday night = relax time.
Saturday- Sleep in or get up early to do homework. Unless I have a huge workload, I can do my homework at whatever time.
Sunday- Homework.
Monday- Homework.
I typically get up about 6:00-6:30 and talk on here about 30 min. I then get ready and go study while eating breakfast. From 8:00am-5:00pm my day consist of class, work, and studying. 5:00-7:00pm I hang out with friends for supper unless I'm at church. From then I'm either at a worship service, studying, talking on here, or downtown talking to homeless people until about 12:00-1:00am.
In summary, my days are really busy with college and church related functions but I enjoy it completely. Weekends I get to hang out with friends more than during the week.
Wake up
Pull some pants on
Go to the bathroom
Text girlfriend
Go to school
Keep texting girlfriend
Get out of school
Keep texting girlfriend
Listen to music
Play some games before my girlfriend gets out of school
Text girlfriend while shes in band
Call girlfriend when she gets home
Talk to girlfriend
She goes to sleep
I listen to more music
I go to sleepOver and over again x)
Aren't you trying to mend things with your GF? How's that going?
[QUOTE="Matt-4542"]Wake up
Pull some pants on
Go to the bathroom
Text girlfriend
Go to school
Keep texting girlfriend
Get out of school
Keep texting girlfriend
Listen to music
Play some games before my girlfriend gets out of school
Text girlfriend while shes in band
Call girlfriend when she gets home
Talk to girlfriend
She goes to sleep
I listen to more music
I go to sleepOver and over again x)
Aren't you trying to mend things with your GF? How's that going?
We got back together over 2 weeks ago and we're doing fantastic! x)[QUOTE="Rekunta"][QUOTE="Matt-4542"]Wake up
Pull some pants on
Go to the bathroom
Text girlfriend
Go to school
Keep texting girlfriend
Get out of school
Keep texting girlfriend
Listen to music
Play some games before my girlfriend gets out of school
Text girlfriend while shes in band
Call girlfriend when she gets home
Talk to girlfriend
She goes to sleep
I listen to more music
I go to sleepOver and over again x)
Aren't you trying to mend things with your GF? How's that going?
We got back together over 2 weeks ago and we're doing fantastic! x)Cool, congrats! :)
Wake up in the morning.
Then go to school.
After coming back, have lunch.
Then Sleep (nap,it's damn refreshing!).
After waking up, I play some games and sit on some forums.
And then read some good book (I don't restrict myself to story books only).
And then go to sleep(again).
Oh, and on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I play squash.
[QUOTE="Matt-4542"][QUOTE="Rekunta"][QUOTE="Matt-4542"]Wake up
Pull some pants on
Go to the bathroom
Text girlfriend
Go to school
Keep texting girlfriend
Get out of school
Keep texting girlfriend
Listen to music
Play some games before my girlfriend gets out of school
Text girlfriend while shes in band
Call girlfriend when she gets home
Talk to girlfriend
She goes to sleep
I listen to more music
I go to sleepOver and over again x)
Aren't you trying to mend things with your GF? How's that going?
We got back together over 2 weeks ago and we're doing fantastic! x)Cool, congrats! :)
Yeah it is, thanks x)[QUOTE="Rekunta"][QUOTE="Matt-4542"][QUOTE="Rekunta"][QUOTE="Matt-4542"]Wake up
Pull some pants on
Go to the bathroom
Text girlfriend
Go to school
Keep texting girlfriend
Get out of school
Keep texting girlfriend
Listen to music
Play some games before my girlfriend gets out of school
Text girlfriend while shes in band
Call girlfriend when she gets home
Talk to girlfriend
She goes to sleep
I listen to more music
I go to sleepOver and over again x)
Aren't you trying to mend things with your GF? How's that going?
We got back together over 2 weeks ago and we're doing fantastic! x)Cool, congrats! :)
Yeah it is, thanks x)Woot! *throws party*
[QUOTE="Matt-4542"][QUOTE="Rekunta"][QUOTE="Matt-4542"][QUOTE="Rekunta"][QUOTE="Matt-4542"]Wake up
Pull some pants on
Go to the bathroom
Text girlfriend
Go to school
Keep texting girlfriend
Get out of school
Keep texting girlfriend
Listen to music
Play some games before my girlfriend gets out of school
Text girlfriend while shes in band
Call girlfriend when she gets home
Talk to girlfriend
She goes to sleep
I listen to more music
I go to sleepOver and over again x)
Aren't you trying to mend things with your GF? How's that going?
We got back together over 2 weeks ago and we're doing fantastic! x)Cool, congrats! :)
Yeah it is, thanks x)Woot! *throws party*
Awesome! Wheres the damn Mountain Dew, Im thirsty x)Wake up at around 7ish
Go take my dog to go pee
Feed the dog
Get in the shower
Watch some morning TV, check my email, facebook and sometimes GS and maybe eat something while doing all that
Put make-up and maybe do hair at around 8:30
Take my dog down to go #2
9:10am -- Go to work
9:30 -- officially start work which includes: Checking e-mail, checking breakdowns, answering phones, submitting actors for auditions, getting auditions, getting actors to go to said auditions, getting offers, closing offers, copying demo reels, throwing away or laughing at actor submissions, chitchatting with co-workers, talking to the boss, reading the trades, checking perez, lollygagging online, etc etc etc
1:00 LUNCH! (either go out to go eat or going home and hooking up)
2:00 back to work and repeat everything from above
7:00-7:30 end work and either
a) 8:00 get home feed dog and watch tv and play around the pc until 11:00 and take dog out, wash face then go to bed by midnight
b) get roommate to feed and walk dog because I have to go out for drinks, watch a play, a movie premiere, or some combination of both and maybe hook up again and then go home and pass out.
It's interesting that you ask that, because I just wrote a narrative essay with that very subject. . .
[spoiler] To start the morning I reluctantly roll out of my twin-sized, pillow-topped bed with a headache at about 11:00 AM. Alarm clocks are my sworn enemy. Once I finish my morning business in the adjacent bathroom I clean my hair up (sometimes) and go into the kitchen to empty and reload our dishwasher with plates and glasses so dirty that I can no longer identify what foods or drinks they contained during their use. I then feed our huge, 150-pound Rottweiler, her favorite food: Original-styIe Kibbles 'N Bits; anything for the "little" princess. After I'm done with her, I go to my bedroom at the front end of our house. I stay in my bedroom to relax and do any homework I may have, with occasional snack and bathroom breaks, stopping when I begin to feel my head ache; the last thing I need is a migraine.
When I finish my homework in the mid-late afternoon, at about 3:00 PM (depending on how I feel), I sit back and relax and surf the vast waters of the Internet.
While web-surfing I like to listen to music I've collected on my iTunes: Skillet, Globus, RED; Christian rock and movie trailer music mixed with symphonic metal genres, with the occasional pop song thrown into the mix. When I'm not online I usually read a book, or sometimes several books, as I am quite the bibliophile and will read anything if it is good. I rarely watch television anymore, as there is nothing interesting on after the Writers' Strike in Hollywood and the news is just too depressing for me to tolerate.
After about 5:00 or 6:00 Mom (or sometimes myself) begins making dinner. We don't have any schedule "meal x" night; it's just food, after all, and doesn't need to be so. . . .routine.
After dinner I return to my sanctuary (er. . . bedroom) and fool around some more, listening to music, arguing with idiots, and occasionally watching a YouTube video if I feel like it. I go to the bathroom to take a nice, hot shower at about 8:00 PM every day.
While I know I'm not supposed to, I go to bed very late, sometimes as late as 1:00 in the morning, since I have also been diagnosed with insomnia in the past. I no longer take medication for it, though I probably should, so it is difficult for me to fall asleep and stay asleep.Once I say my nightly prayer I turn off my lights and get into bed. As I lay in a bed of dirty blue sheets, I stay awake for another hour or so, just tossing and turning in the dark, trying to make myself dose off before finally drifting to sleep, where I quietly wait for the next day. [/spoiler]
Edited for personal purposes. The original has more unnecessary detail. >.> So if it appears poorly written, it's because some bits have been left out.
Yeah, it sucks...
Woke up, got out of bed
Dragged a comb across my head
Found my way downstairs and drank a cup
And looking up, i noticed i was late
Found my coat and grabbed my hat
Made the bus in seconds flat
Found my way upstairs and had a smoke
Somebody spoke and i went into a dream.
School Days: Wake up - Eat - School - go home - eat - computer - go out - computer - sleep
Weekend: wake up - eat - computer - go out - eat - come home - computer - sleep
[QUOTE="Theokhoth"]it's because some bits have been left out.
I stopped reading after "To start the morning I reluctantly roll out of my twin-sized, pillow-topped bed..." After that, I worry you would go about describing bathroom habits.
No. People will be reading that, you know.
But yeah, the thing was very detailed. I managed to stretch it to six pages.
Here's my schedule for about the next week, maybe longer...
Ever since the end of summer my life has pretty much consisted of college, eating and sleeping.
It's dull.
Wake up, shower, drive to school late, go to my classes while going out somewhere for lunch.
Drive home after school with my car loaded with something for the night.
If there's a Canucks game on, watch it. If its Tuesday watch House, if its Thursday watch Smallville.
Eat, workout sometimes..go on the computer around 12am until I want to go to bed.
Oh, and playing NHL 09 happens a lot.
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