My funniest thing I have ever done is when I was drunk with my mates i was mucking about on the top of my stairs and I fell over the balcony and broke my leg in two places HAHA! funny times.
So I was in the movie theater with my friend watching a movie(forgot which one) Well there was a couple(however they didn't seem very romantic while watching the movie[not holding hands or cuddling or anything like that) sitting in front of my friend.(I was sitting to the left of my friend, and the girl was sitting in the seat in front of him, and her boyfriend was sitting to the right of her) Well for some reason the girl kept fidgeting and movie around in her seat, it was getting quite distracting as the movie went on. At one point she was stretching out and her arm was like right in front of my friend's face. So I reached out and touched her hand and she let out a little "Eeep!" and we laughed, then she laughed, I think the guy was kinda pissed that I got more action with his date then he did.
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