I'm not working til I'm 60, that's for sure.
I won't do it. Whatever your dreams are, don't ditch them. If you wanna be a pro gamer, or a rockstar, don't give up, even if your in your 40's.
I'm 21, and I refuse to fall in line with what people call "reality" and work a crappy job for 30 years because it's the "only way" to get by in society. Do what you want. Then you will have no regrets cause atleast you never gave up your dreams because someone else told you it can't happen.
Society today is dependent on economy. Economy is dependent on commercialism. Commercialism is dependent on consumers. That is why kids grow up wanting to be something or someone they are not. Because TV and adverts, everywhere you look, tell kids and people that you need this product to be anyone important, or you need to act this way, to be anyone important. And because we are born with an ego, everyone wants to be someone. Everyone wants to be important.
 By default life is absolutely meaningless. Its a blank canvas. The only reason things are meaningful is because we make them meaningful. Its not about ditching dreams and working until you are 60. Its about defining whats important and meaningful to YOU, and the experience you have in doing so. To assume that someone isnt happy or living life to its fullest because of how they live it is just niave.Â
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