To me a perfect world isn't like "world peace" or anything like that, but a world where we just didn't rely so damn much on MONEY! Seems like it really is the root of all evil, even religion and politics scores lower on the "evil scale". (on my "evil scale" anyway lol.)
Not saying I hate my life or anything, hell, It seems like it just couldn't get any better, yet they say money can't buy happiness, which I believe is true, but it's like in order to be happy down here in the U.S. you have to make like 200 thousand a year minimum. Exagguration I know, but it's a bit ridiculous when we spend so much on insurance and it just screws you over. Money also seems to be the only motivation for anyone nowadays too, it's just "make a lot of money, go to school so you can make a lot of money, get a good job so you can make a lot of money." It's like all we want to live for is money. I hate money, if I didn't have to worry about it all the time then it would be great, but seems like the only way to get rid of "money" is to make every resource in the world infinite, and somehow motivate everyone to work/make/sell things, yet now it seems like money is the only way to motivate someone.
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