@SexyJazzCat said:
Genuine question. Do you support him because you agree with his policies or because were you just voting against the opposing party?
I think that's fair a question, nothing to soften.
I agree with many of his policies but I also believe that he will put in people who will do the right things.
There is a lot of talk about "well he's never held office" and that's a misleading point. There is no job like the president, no matter who is chosen to be the president there is no prep course that allows you to be at full speed on day one. It comes down to surrounding yourself with people who can do their job.
There's a lot to be said about Trump's success and failure in business but that's how life works. He took advantage of loopholes that were there, he wasn't being a good businessman if he didn't take advantage of them. I also think that his ability to know that system (faults and all) allows him to institute more change because he knows that sector.
As for what he says? It doesn't bother me. I do find it highly suspicious that so many people came out about horrible things he did now. Now he's been in the public eye, I mean REALLY in the public eye for about 4 decades now. He's got money and fame and everyone who has accused him of things said to themselves "He's fine" but now with the election they say things? I don't know what happened in any of those cases but I do know that this strange timing made more people curious than anything else.
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