i work in tech and left a job i loved to go to a well known global tech company. it was a big step up career wise but i hated it. there's a saying recruitment is like romance, employment like marriage, that's kind of what it was. during recruitment they painted a glowing picture of the org, what i found when i started there was very, very different. i bailed within 3 months i.e. before my notice period went from a month to 16 weeks.
but the company i bailed to, whilst better than the previous in a lot of ways, had a whole other set of problems. toxic at the slt level, highly political, massive mismanagement of projects. within my first month i was engulfed in all that shit and i just could not be arsed dealing with that day in day out. so i just quit.
took six months out of work, was amazing, loved every minute of it.
tech was a very different landscape back then. everyone was hiring. very different landscape today with massive redundancies across big, medium and small tech-alike. thankfully im now back in a job i really enjoy
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