just wondering when and if youve been in a situation where you need all your skills attributes and wisdom to get out of asituation but one of them fails you... big time.
i was 14 yrs old jsut got out of the movies and needed to call my parents to pick me up every thing going well into this point
i step into the phone booth and begin to dial the number the machine asks me for a little change wich i deemed a fair exchange for a local telephone. i forgot to save some change for phone calls from my movie money spent it all on movie candy. first failure of human attribute-memory big time now i have no way home
i figured the situation out pretty quick and decided to collect call no big deal a free phone call. i collect called and and my parents came to pick me up.
now i have a ten minute wait intill they get there so i decide to hit up the corner stroe for some chips(debit purchase) the corner store was a few blocks away so id have to run to make it back in time. second failure of human attributes-speed
it took me too long to get back to the movies and the ride was waiting for me but got jammed on curb becaus edriver was trying to look more closley to see if i was sitting on the bench
wow what a day for my attributes to fail me
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