Imagine this: You had all the parts to a Mercedez dissassembled, piece by piece, you put them all into one big bag, and shook it up for say, an infinite amount of time. After some time you open the bag to find a Mclaren assembled.
Now, replace Mercedez with life, and all the ingredients necessary. Does it seem possible? No. The Mercedez probability is effectively zero. Therefore life forming on earth is effectively zero. And effectively zero is not a good model for how life came to be.
And so we need to think scientifically. We need a new model. We conclude that maybe design was deliberate. This makes sense. A clock has to be designed, a car has to be designed. So we stick with our designer concept, intelligent design if you will. We test it out.
Life looks well designed. Things are well suited to their environment and what have you. Well, the model is fair. Nothing goes against it so far and thus, we have our theory.
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