I think its a necessary evil, until the social problems which cause (indirectly of course) unwanted pregnancies and are responsible for the immaturity both on sexual and emotional level of many adults, have been dealt with at some degree.
Examples: A lacking educational system bound by social taboos, insecure about their children's sexuality parents etc etc
Saying something is "a necessary evil" is a VERY bad road to take. You could say torturing American citizens that are suspected terrorists is a "necessary evil" for the greater good. If you think that way, you can basically rationalize anything. The end is not justified by the means. Stalin and Hitler used this very idea to rationalize the murder of millions of people, because they believed that in the end, their country would be a better place without certain people in it.
Well I dont know how else to put it, although I hate those equalizations, mind you.The point is that I wouldnt condemn a woman (or if she is with a man as a couple) to keep the child despite her (/them) not wanting to, which would create an unhealthy family environment.
I am all for any other rational proposed alternative. I have stated before and sorry I didnt take the time to add it, that I am all for an organisation that would be there to "take" the babies from mothers who had unwanted pregnancy (anonymously of course) and "give" those babies for adoption. I think this is the best soltuion for now. But as much as you have seen such a feat even being attempted that much have I.
The point is that I am all for avoiding abortion, but if we are to do that we might as well first try to create suitable conditions. Those conditions include the examples I gave in my first post and what I mentioned this previous paragraph.
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