The ring 2 is crap so don't bother with it, I would go rent Hot Fuzz or Shaun Of The Dead if you haven't seen them. I would also recommend Happy Gilmore if you haven't seen that either.
I second Hot Fuzz or Shaun of the dead. Also try 'The Descent' - more of a thriller than horror but good none the less. Oh and Honourable mention to 'Dog Sodliers' = Class.
I know this is not horror, or comdey but NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN is one of the best movie i have seen and has a great bad guy....."Call it friendo!" from the movie
Get either the SAW films or Resident Evil. I'm currently enjoying Resident Evil, and I need to get them all on UMD (as for SAW 3 & 4 I need to convert those from DVD to MP3 format).
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