For me, Islam, such a peaceful religion, other religions teach peace but the followers never practice peace, in fact its always other religions where you see guys flying planes into buildings and blowing themselves up in a crowd of people or killing women and children ETC.
What I'm trying to say is, while Christians and Athiasts and Hindus and Budhists ETC are burning people alive in the street, Muslims are praying peacefully in the temples, wishing for world peace and happiness to everyone.
Muslims in general are even VERY intelligent and advanced! Look at them, 2000 years ago they were building thousands of milies of roads, huge cities, running water, mechanical analog computers, even a great wall running all across the northern part of their country! The Romans, Chinese, and Greeks on the other handwere living in mud huts clawing away like cavemen, I mean just go to Italy or Greece, or China NOW, do you see remnants of giant cities, miles of aquaducts, a great wall covering the northern part of China, miles of roads, or a giant army of authenticly realistic terra cotta warriors buried underground surviving for thousands of years? NO! You'll only find that stuff in Islamic culture, Muslims are WAY better than the rest of us! When Jesus is made fun of, Christians go nuts! But when Muhamad is made fun of, Muslims forgive us!
Even in wars, our military sucks, its all 12 year olds who are given rusted AK47's and told to charge into a machine gun nest, and since they always get slaughtered hand to hand, they inflict casualties only through suicide bombings!
The Islamic military's on the other hand are well equipped and well trained, given the best guns and humvees, nearly impenatrable tanks, sofisticated Navies and Aircraft, even bombs that blow up the deepest bunkers! They could easily slaughter us all! But since they're too nice, they only try to help us!
In all, I have to give alot of credit to the Muslims, such an awesome, peaceful religion! Yay Muslims!
So which religion do YOU respect the most? Christians? Jews? Muslims? Hindus? Buddhists? Athiasts? Those guys that believe in God and heaven but don't practice a religion? YOU decide!
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