Did any of you know that white slavery was going on just as long if not longer than black slavery? Up until the beginning of the last century Slaves were taken from Europe and America by the Islamic Barbery Pirates that
occupied most of the North African coast This was a booming business the Islamic pirates would continuously raid the coastlands and islands of Europe even Americans were not imune although they never ventured across the Atlantic American ships were seized and the crews and passengers enslaved.
This was so much of a problem over the centuries since the Roman empire in Europe that most of the coastlands of southern Europe were deserted unless you lived near a large city, town or garrisoned fort you were taking a huge risk of being enslaved. These Muslim raiders would capture entire towns thousands of people Men were sold as galley slaves women sold to harems and children sold to perverts or castrated to be eunuchs. The entire economy of this region was driven by slaves captured in Europe.
Slavery is condoned in the Koran Its ok to have non muslim slaves Muslim dignitaries traveled with slaves in their enterauge up until the 1960's
I wonder why this slavery is so overshadowed by the American South / Civil War brand of Slavery. Ive never seen a documentary , news article or mention of it anywhere in acedemia? And especially since it is still practiced today in the region except it's the black christians that are enslaved.
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