I know you guys played videogames and post on gamespot, but what is your life story in a couple paragraphs or more? I had to recently sit down and write it to some I just met, and it hit me about everything about me. But I want to know what you guys are truly like. The background you come from and such. Here is mine:
Born in Bellevue, Nebraska, taken to Charleston, South Carolina for a few years, as my parents were military. Dad went to Korea and got divorced from my mom. She left the military and then moved to Glenwood, Iowa to live with family, bringing me and my younger sister with her. We were raised in Glenwood, and after growing up a bit, we went to visit my dad in the summers at Baltimore Maryland, and now in the UK. I enjoy traveling and meeting new people. I am the youngest of my grade, and I have the worst memory of anyone you'll ever meet without the person having a mental affliction. I enjoy being with friends, though I am never around them. I have been in a movie, and have a strong interest in black holes and zombies. I have strong morals that I hold firm, and I will not compensate or bend under pressure. The only I will do under pressure is a paper that is due in a few hours.
I enjoy going to the movies, and I miss having a girlfriend. They make the time sweeter than sugar when I am with her. I love my family, and I enjoy my life. I am terribly smart, but terribly lazy. I am the most easy-going guy you might ever meet. And definetly one of the nicest. I apprently am a good person to be around, but not the kind of person you seek to be with. I am very over-bearing when you are around me for too long, and I have almost no self-confidence. Nobody has ever given me a chance to shine, and I seek not a way to shine myself. If you have read the above, and remember it henceforth, you will know who I am better than even my closest friend. I know my strengths and my weaknesses, and have no desire to change them. I am a flawed young man, but I am only human.
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