Daniel Lijekvist of Katatonia is my personal fav.
He is the perfect drummer. He can play like a madman but he also knows to hold back in order to accent the band, which is exactly what a drummer should be.
Other favs:
Dave Ghrol-Nirvana, Queens of the Stoneage, Foo Fighters (Great vid featuring great musicians)
Nick Menza-Megadeth (This performance of his is absolutely sick. Totally amps up the song to a new level)
Jason Costa-All That Remains (He does a great impression of a machine gun using drums. His ****fits the band well)
Andhols Herrick-Chimaira (Another gunner who accents the band well)
Chris Pennie-The Dillinger Escape Plan (Everyone of these guys involved with the Miss Machine CD is insanely talented)
Dave McClain-Machine Head (This band is underrated as a whole)
Meg White-The White Stripes (She does so much by knowing WHEN to play)
Brian Vigilone-The Dresden Dolls (This vid speaks for itself)
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