they think bands like this one
bring me the horizon

are better than this
Cannibal Corpse

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Both of those bands are terrible. It doesn't matter what people listen to, as long as they know how awful it is :)TiefsterYou take that back! :o
[QUOTE="Tiefster"]Both of those bands are terrible. It doesn't matter what people listen to, as long as they know how awful it is :)Juggernaut140You take that back! :oOk CC isn't that bad, I used to listen to them but compared to what I listen to now I often question my judgment.
Deathcore kids do piss me off (even though there are some awesome deathcore bands) The ones that really make me rage are the ones who think they listen to the most brutal genre of music of all time and will only listen to things they deem brutal enough. Juggernaut140Deathcore is not brutal..talking about how you broke up with your girlfriend is not brutal :lol:
[QUOTE="Juggernaut140"]Deathcore kids do piss me off (even though there are some awesome deathcore bands) The ones that really make me rage are the ones who think they listen to the most brutal genre of music of all time and will only listen to things they deem brutal enough. McdonaIdsGuyDeathcore is not brutal..talking about how you broke up with your girlfriend is not brutal :lol: OMG ur RIGHT, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHA
[QUOTE="Juggernaut140"]Deathcore kids do piss me off (even though there are some awesome deathcore bands) The ones that really make me rage are the ones who think they listen to the most brutal genre of music of all time and will only listen to things they deem brutal enough. McdonaIdsGuyDeathcore is not brutal..talking about how you broke up with your girlfriend is not brutal :lol: You're mixin up genres Broseph ;)
Anything with 'core' in it is simply a knock off of another genre. It's common for deathcore bands to be fans of death metal but it's rare for a death metal musician to be a fan of deathcore. That speaks volumes.dracula_16The truth, you speak it.
Hardcore Punk isnt anything like it used to be. I reckon it died with Refused and The Shape of Punk To Come. T'is a great album and there hasnt been one like it since.
I hate scene kids to be honest. All they talk of is being BR00TALZ and doing the claw thing, and the way that after the chicks grew out of the phase they all started conforming to liking acoustic music and wearing checkered shirts..
I babbled on abit their, thats just the majority I know of in the UK, and BMTH are god awful.]
PS. And they're all in some sort of deathcore band which suck, and they are ALL arrogant seriously!
okay my small rant is over.
Could the Cannibal Corpse picture be anymore generic? Come on guys creativity. Don't just stand their like trees in a dumb setupNifty_SharkI lol-ed at the guy in the middle.
[QUOTE="Nifty_Shark"]Could the Cannibal Corpse picture be anymore generic? Come on guys creativity. Don't just stand their like trees in a dumb setupraven_squadI lol-ed at the guy in the middle.
danger... danger... I'm Mannequin Skywalker. My **** acting is ruining saga.
I personally dislike deathcore and anything scene related,scene kids think is better than death metal and even heavy metal..i also hate the fact that they copy other sty les and genres to create their music and fashion...
they think bands like this one
bring me the horizon
are better than this
Cannibal Corpse
I think they're both pretty terrible. Where does that leave me?
I'm pretty sure Cannibal Corpse is just straight up Death Metal and I've never met a scene kid who liked them. And my friend and I were talking about Bring Me the Horizon because a lot of scene kids like them even though most scene kids aren't even into Deathcore/Death metal. We found that there are a few DC bands that scene kids like but not the whole genre.
To stay on topic though, I do dislike scene kids. I happen to enjoy some good Deathcore now and again though.
Anything with 'core' in it is simply a knock off of another genre. It's common for deathcore bands to be fans of death metal but it's rare for a death metal musician to be a fan of deathcore. That speaks volumes.dracula_16what about hardcore?
BMTH are a waste of a record contract kinda glad i didnt go to the kerrang tour since i would have had to put up with them before i seen Dir En Grey or Mindless self indulgence.
But i get called "scene" all the time best laugh is half of the bands that i listen to that are supposidly scene...cause a clique of how could i put it a bunch of 13 y/olds think they look awesome and follow the crowd.
Perfect examples of bands like that kinda get the scene reputation are Paramore,NFG,Senses Fail,FFAF...Listened to all the bands for pretty much a while.I mean most people didnt get into Paramore till riot all i can say is i have been pretty much a proud fan since 2005
I personally dislike deathcore and anything scene related,scene kids think is better than death metal and even heavy metal..i also hate the fact that they copy other sty les and genres to create their music and fashion...
Cannibal CorpseMcdonaIdsGuy
Man the harpoons! We've got fat people playing bad music hurr.
The truth, you speak it.[QUOTE="dracula_16"]Anything with 'core' in it is simply a knock off of another genre. It's common for deathcore bands to be fans of death metal but it's rare for a death metal musician to be a fan of deathcore. That speaks volumes.freek666
Hardcore Punk isnt anything like it used to be. I reckon it died with Refused and The Shape of Punk To Come. T'is a great album and there hasnt been one like it since.
you should listen to "the chemistry of common life" by "F'd Up" (i cant put the bands full name as gamespot is a bit sensitive over that issue). that album shows hardcore punk aint dead.
and yea that refused album is great.
I don't get how some people are saying that any band that contains "core" in it are awful. You guys who think that need to listen to Protest The Hero, The Dillinger Escape Plan and Between The Buried And Me.airg6imo Grindcore...and other ...Core genre, the vast majority of Metalcore, and Deathcore is utter ****
Even grindcore?I cant stand that music style, anything with "core" makes me boil...
I also hate the fashion. And many of them kids think most of those bands are "Metal". Bah.
Wow get your facts straight. Deathcore is not all about breaking up about girlfriends and such. This is deathcore lyrics for example
"I can't see why money tortures theeOur faith in people has seen the end andWe're now stuck in irrelevance Strain our blood And form anew to see a day with justice" - All Shall Perish
So sorry you lose. Also good job just being ignorant and generalizing. I listen to apparently "scene" music and dress "scene" but I do nothing what you say. I don't make claws, I am not fond of hxc dancing, and I do not think my music is the most "BR00TAL" My music can range from rap to pop punk to country to electronica to screamo to deathcore. At the moment I am listening to a electro pop solo artist, isn't really that brutal..... Also, I find that Cannibal Corpse is not very "Br00tal" at all either.
More people should listen to System of a Down and we would all be happier.Drizzt13Did that not too long ago :D
Not even sure what type of genre that is.vidplayer8Think Death Metal, then take away any talent or originality and add lame breakdowns.
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