I always wondered what kind of people make faqs for games on gamefaqs. They do it for free as a hobby, it seems like they would need a ton of free time. They must have no life whatsoever because the faqs are so long and in depth.
They love games and like to write about them. People like that may want to go into writing professionally as a guide writer on a website like IGN. It's perfectly understandable.
FAQ stands for frequently asked question, so I'd think that with a lot of people having the same questions, a lot of people would have the right answers. I assume most FAQ sections are multiple people contributing answers, not just one writing all of them.
FAQ stands for frequently asked question, so I'd think that with a lot of people having the same questions, a lot of people would have the right answers. I assume most FAQ sections are multiple people contributing answers, not just one writing all of them.XilePrincess
Not necessarily. In fact most of the time it is a solo individual.
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