Went to the 12:01 showing and I really enjoyed it.
First off, I am a sucker for good cinematography, so I really enjoyed the originality of the whole handi-cam POV
I also liked the fact that they took the time to introduce the characters and give them their own distinct personalities. It made us actually care about them and their ultimate fate.
Even though a lot of people in the theater seemed dissatisfied with the end, I liked it because I thought it was fitting. Throughout the entire movie, we only know and see what the characters know and have seen. Though the movie ended on a cliffhanger of sorts, I still liked it. It gave us enough info to put the rest of the pieces together for ourselves. For example, when the credits were rolling, in the background was "PROPERTY OF THE U.S. GOVERNMENT" which means that the tape was found, and therefore the monster was killed.
I still have a few questions though...
What's the significance of the title?
Where the hell did the monster come from?
Overall Rating: 3 stars out of 4
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