Since Craig only has one film left. It's funny I even liked Quantom of solace. I think I am one of the few who really liked it. It reminded me of License to kill, which is one of my favorite bond films. I also really liked the new bond girl, she wasn't cheesy and generic like some of the others. I actually liked how bond didn't try and sleep with her, that would have sucked. I know some people say it took from the Bourne films, which is understandable because it probably did. However i thought the action scenes were not as shaky camera filled which was nice. The plot was a bit convoluted, but it wasn't that hard to figure out. I like it when bond is a cold killer with revenge on his mind, that is the bond i like. Casino royale was like the living daylights. Serious but it still had a hint of the bond humor while Quantom of solace was like License to kill, very brutal and cold without much humor. I think it worked and I look forward to the 3rd bond film Craig is in, and it might be the last too since Craig only signed up for 3. I think Clive Owen could work, or
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