Name escapes me, All I remember was here face. Think I was in 6th grade :?
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Then it was a crush. Love--real love--effects your memory to the point where you remember her face, her hair color, her eyes, that little mole on her cheek she tried to cover up with makeup, every single precise detail of every single precise second you were with her.Dracargen
Exactly. I remember her.
Maria Mckelv**
My childhood sweetheart ...she played about I killed her , spent 9 years in nick...
I was sectioned into The UK Army afterwards or 80s Thatches Britian , I never looked back ....left recently as a SNCO...
The Army saw I was a good killer an I eigerly killed many Irish in the troubles ,
I served all over the world with the services , killed many foreigners for the Queen ,
Im retired (usually Para SNCOs are asked to be trainers at Training Camps like Pirbright , but Im classed as old sckool bad killa guy the new Brit army hate ,lol)
flip them I going Afghan again as a contractor training new Brit guy drivers
an also opening up knew routes for our troops driving solo to knew forward hot bases .. ...(each forward base trip is £25k..)
So retirement is coolies .. wanna ride shotgun ....???
My neighbours wife...she was fat and hairy but damn she had nice feet. RamboSymbiot
....*Walks out of topic slowly*......
jenny. all she gave me was her phone number....somenights it plays in my head, over and over "867-5309, 867-5309, 867-5309"Hom3_Pwn3r
*writes down number*
I think I love my friend Rachel. I remember everything she tells me, and thats good because I never remember anything. Im not afraid to be myself around her, shes beautiful, shes everything I could want in a girl. I feel happy when Im around her, I always think about her. Shes everything to me. She knows I love her, and while she might not feel the same way, Im just glad shes my best friend. sarmini
wow exactly the same for me but but mines name is amanda
Amanda. She was my first love, first everything.
I had a lot of amazing times with her. We used to love to travel, walk on the boardwalk in Long Beach. We were inseperable.
But alas she was just too dramatic, and I couldn't take it anymore. I fell completely out of love with her, cause I just couldn't take her complaining about everything. I was a vert attentive boyfriend, and I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to make her happy, but nothing was good enough for her.
I think you can love more than one person in your life, but I'll never forget her.
Her name was Kimberly. Twus the summer of 1992. We met on our job at Blockbuster video. I was a district manager and she was a customer service rep at one of my stores. She had just recently finished her internship and was in the midst of finding a job in forensic photography.
We spent the better part of 12 months having the best time ive ever had in my life. So many fun days. Days that are good enough that you feel guilty for being so happy. It was honestly a cliched "match made in heaven". I was making good money, she was about to make good money, the sex was outstanding ( and very very frequent i might add ) and we were both helping each other enjoy life.
I dont really know where things went wrong. It was an extended process but i think i was in too much denial and shock to put it all together. I still to this day regret not making it work and feel largely responsible for things ending. It sounds sappy but i still love her to this day and because of this i cant be happy with any other woman and refuse to love again.
I was young...and stupid. Knowing what i know now and knowing that if i was this wise back then only makes it that much more frustrating. I could have changed it, i could have made things work had i just met her later in life when i was more mature and could handle a relationship.
Id like to swap her with my current GF. If i could have learned my mistakes with the GF i have now and then met my first love after i was more wise it would be great. Alas i cant. My heart is frigid for all of time. Woe is me.
The Army saw I was a good killer an I eigerly killed many Irish in the troubles ,
I served all over the world with the services , killed many foreigners for the Queen ,
Im retired (usually Para SNCOs are asked to be trainers at Training Camps like Pirbright , but Im classed as old sckool bad killa guy the new Brit army hate ,lol)
flip them I going Afghan again as a contractor training new Brit guy drivers
an also opening up knew routes for our troops driving solo to knew forward hot bases .. ...(each forward base trip is £25k..)
So retirement is coolies .. wanna ride shotgun ....???
Nah I got a cake in the oven. Maybe another time :)
Good huntin'
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