Well to put it into perspective the vikings had ships, arrows, enginuity, spartans had pure soldiery. I am going to go with Vikings because they would just simply raid at night or something that would be a disadvantage to phalanxes. Spartans were overrated, I mean sure there was thermopoly, but the battle afterwards (where there were many more spartans involved), they got owned. Spartans do not have many numbers, they are very unflexible, there is a reason why they died out over time. The intense training and stuff was actually their downfall because it lowered the population significantly, they had tons of slaves to guard over. Keep in mind that Thermopoly was won more because of Athens than it was the 300 spartans. Vikings were not stupid, they made those ships and sailed to Greenland.
I understand it is singular spartan or singular viking, in that case we are talking about berserkers amirite? That is a tough call because those berserkers I tell you were just as bad as the spartans.
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