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I am talking about alot of the countries in Africa or in India. Why is it that they are living in extreme poverty and we were able to from the most powerful country in the world in less then 200 years? I just don't understand why can't they do what we have done over here so that they can live better.-Renegade
For one, the US has the recources to develop, a culture that pushes foreward towards change, and has abundant recources that helped it develop early on. Africa is hot, full of diseases like Malaria, and is full of dangerous animals. India is overpopulated and never really had that big revlution to propel it towarss the future. I don't know exactly why, but that's as good a guess as I can venture.
I am talking about alot of the countries in Africa or in India..-RenegadeThere are no countries in India. India is a country of its own. Try again.
[QUOTE="-Renegade"]I am talking about alot of the countries in Africa or in India. Why is it that they are living in extreme poverty and we were able to from the most powerful country in the world in less then 200 years? I just don't understand why can't they do what we have done over here so that they can live better.Cube_of_MooN
For one, the US has the recources to develop, a culture that pushes foreward towards change, and has abundant recources that helped it develop early on. Africa is hot, full of diseases like Malaria, and is full of dangerous animals. India is overpopulated and never really had that big revlution to propel it towarss the future. I don't know exactly why, but that's as good a guess as I can venture.
my words exactly, plus the United States is opened to free market and an open market and establishes itself in almost every nation, mainly the United States has the most resources in the world that is what helps it the most. not only that Africa was controlled by alot of European nations and then they eruptly left and the whole continent was divided into many small nations and now they are fighting over resources
here is a brief list:
AIDS, political corruption, % of GDP spent of defense, median age, one primary export product (ie coffee or copper)
infant mortality and little to no medical supplies and personnel are also huge factors.
America's economy is successful cuz of it's 'free market', it's not exactly the best one out there (look at hong kongs, you can start a business in a day, and it'll fail the next, there are almost no limitations in the economy.), but because countries like India take months and months to sell products like "pepsi" and then 2 days after they are in commission, they say 'no, it's too unhealthy, BANNED!' it doesn't flourish and thrive like the U.S. economy will.
I saw John Stossel talking about it in economics class lol, you know..John Stossel...the guy with the moustache...
If you are asking why they were inudstrializing so poorly, it's the European's fault.
If you're asking why its Europe that had the steamships and the colonial empires and guns and other such things that pushed them towards being the most powerful continent/people on the planet, it was their resources.
What exactly do you mean by develop? We have some of the highest violent crime rates in the world.RiSkyBiZ-13
No, that's only for developed countries. We are the most voilent out of the developed countries. This isn't Sudan.
We have many areas of our country stricken with poverty and disease.Tour NYC or Philly sometime, it won't take too long to notice. I really don't think we're as "developed" as most think. RiSkyBiZ-13
What are you talking about? Where are these places? Also, have you been to New York, or are you just passing generalizations because you've seen too many movies? New York City is the safest big city in the country, and it gets safer every year.
here is a brief list:
AIDS, political corruption, % of GDP spent of defense, median age, one primary export product (ie coffee or copper)
Well Africa has tons of diamonds and Jewels. Do you know how much money is made in the diamond industry from Africa?
If the original people of the US didn't like someone they would just chase then off with their lightning sticks, which other societies didn't have, and make their land "pure". This was basically the foundation of our ways that we lived on until we got a good grip on our economy.shaza91
You haven't studied much history have you?
What exactly do you mean by develop? We have some of the highest violent crime rates in the world. We have many areas of our country stricken with poverty and disease. Tour NYC or Philly sometime, it won't take too long to notice. I really don't think we're as "developed" as most think. RiSkyBiZ-13
The crime rate in the US is overstated.Development, however, is not about crime. Stricken with poverty and diseasse? What?
Anyway, I don't think you understand what developed means in regard to countries.
[QUOTE="RiSkyBiZ-13"]What exactly do you mean by develop? We have some of the highest violent crime rates in the world. We have many areas of our country stricken with poverty and disease. Tour NYC or Philly sometime, it won't take too long to notice. I really don't think we're as "developed" as most think. LJS9502_basic
The crime rate in the US is overstated.Development, however, is not about crime. Stricken with poverty and diseasse? What?
Anyway, I don't think you understand what developed means in regard to countries.
The crime rate isn't even as bad as you think.. you just see the spam of anything bad on the U.S.. go bak to school risk b4 posting[QUOTE="LJS9502_basic"][QUOTE="RiSkyBiZ-13"]What exactly do you mean by develop? We have some of the highest violent crime rates in the world. We have many areas of our country stricken with poverty and disease. Tour NYC or Philly sometime, it won't take too long to notice. I really don't think we're as "developed" as most think. darkfox101
The crime rate in the US is overstated.Development, however, is not about crime. Stricken with poverty and diseasse? What?
Anyway, I don't think you understand what developed means in regard to countries.
The crime rate isn't even as bad as you think.. you just see the spam of anything bad on the U.S.. go bak to school risk b4 postingAre you talking to me?:|
Here are some of the reasons I can think of.
- Some races of people don't want to develop as much as Anglo-Saxons do. Before white people came to Africa and Australia, they had lived for thousands of years, hunting and farming without really developing their technology or society very much.
- Africa and India were both exploited constantly by colonization. Mostly by England.
- Even after the English lost all their colonies, they left behind a lot of mess to clean up. Not so for the Americans because they got rid of the British fairly early on (I think).
- Western governments such as those of Britain and America have made efforts to keep these countries behind in development so they will never become a threat. What America is doing right now to Iran is a perfect example of this.
There are no countries in India. India is a country of its own. Try again.[QUOTE="SmashBrosLegend"][QUOTE="-Renegade"]I am talking about alot of the countries in Africa or in India..serbsta69
:lol: :lol:
Hah, nicely done, check mate. :wink:
Checkmate indeed! :lol:
it definately helped being an offspring of England.....early corruption, slavery, helped establish our economy, also killing Native Americans and taking their land, gave us access to more raw material and LAND.... most poor countries that have become rich, seem to authoritarian, and those that are not lack in human needs. Cesb02
What he said... America was given a somewhat unfair advantage by starting off as a part of the British Empire.
and its a case of lacking natural resources.. and in the cases of them having natural resources they lack the technology to turn those raw materials into a finished product. So even in teh case of Africa being able to produce some natural resources that resource gets bought off them by say a European or American company (for next to nothing) and that company will then use the raw materials to make something greatly increasing the value. So even today Africa is kinda getting raped by the rich just less directly (colonial age).
Here are some of the reasons I can think of.
- Some races of people don't want to develop as much as Anglo-Saxons do. Before white people came to Africa and Australia, they had lived for thousands of years, hunting and farming without really developing their technology or society very much.
- Africa and India were both exploited constantly by colonization. Mostly by England.
- Even after the English lost all their colonies, they left behind a lot of mess to clean up. Not so for the Americans because they got rid of the British fairly early on (I think).
- Western governments such as those of Britain and America have made efforts to keep these countries behind in development so they will never become a threat. What America is doing right now to Iran is a perfect example of this.
France was just as involved colonially as Britain so its unfair to say Britain was the one who left behind a giant mess and it was mostly Britain exploiting Africa...
[QUOTE="chutup"]Here are some of the reasons I can think of.
- Some races of people don't want to develop as much as Anglo-Saxons do. Before white people came to Africa and Australia, they had lived for thousands of years, hunting and farming without really developing their technology or society very much.
- Africa and India were both exploited constantly by colonization. Mostly by England.
- Even after the English lost all their colonies, they left behind a lot of mess to clean up. Not so for the Americans because they got rid of the British fairly early on (I think).
- Western governments such as those of Britain and America have made efforts to keep these countries behind in development so they will never become a threat. What America is doing right now to Iran is a perfect example of this.
France was just as involved colonially as Britain so its unfair to say Britain was the one who left behind a giant mess and it was mostly Britain exploiting Africa...
France, Portugal, and other European countries had a lot to do with the colonization of Africa.I don't really know, but i have a guess.
When the New State was beginning in Portugal (1930 -1940), it was on an economical crisis, and one of the pillars of its resolution were the colony it had on Africa. There were a lot of resources and people wanting to work there, and Portugal took advantage of that. I guess that would hold them back a little.
Oh, and see the irony. Portugal did get back on it's feet. And everyone was happy. And people liked the president. And what does he do? Gets paranoid, proclaimed a dictatorship, and himself the dictator. Now everyone hates him. But i have to say one thing, it was because of him that Portugal remained neutral on the 2nd world war. That, and the money that he saved.
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