Okay before I get started, I just want to say that I am in no way Advertising or Endorsing the link below in any way, shape, or form. I'm just using it as an Example.
Why do people advertise stuff like this? Get free Money for doing Surveys, get a free PS3 if you sign up to one of the following offers... Even Facebook is starting to do it. They attract your attention with something you want to hear and then make you become a Fan to apparently "Find out the Answer" which doesn't exist. They send you through loops and loops of pages and signups, then bring you to a dead end. What is the point of it..? Heck, I gotoSurftheChannel or something watch a TV Show Online (Because Networks won't allow me to watch theirshows in Canada) and I'm bombarded with Popups like this.
Using that above link (AS AN EXAMPLE), What is the website owner trying to accomplish when some poor schmoke visits his website? Am I to assume the Author is flat broke and he's advertising this "Get Rich Quick" scheme to make his audience ASSUME he's rich, and make money off of people like that..? Or is something else going on here?
So aside from that, what are the most annoying scams some of you have come across? (Or has anyone else here been scammed by stuff like this in their life..?)
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