[QUOTE="JebranRush"][QUOTE="Diablo112688"] Total bs. You claiming you wish well on others doesn't do anything even if it was true... you most likely do not give a crap... if you actually took interest in others you would take action to help those in need... instead of telling them to have a nice day which does zero.Diablo112688
More of a psychological thing. "Have a nice day" :) Saying it and meaning it make the other person happier and brightens their day. I don't understand why saying a nice thing like that is so terrible... It doesn't make anyone happier... it's empty and meaningless... Who starts feeling happy or better after being told good morning? Nobody. You are just as screwed after being told these things. Ok, so basically this conversation has gone like this:
Diablo112688: "It's stupid to greet people because you don't really want them to have a good morning."
[Insert person here]: "More often than not I actually do want them to have a good morning and by being polite I am doing my part in that"
Diablo112688: "No you arent"
[IPH]: "Yes I am"
Diablo112688: "No you aren't, I can read your head and you don't mean it" (I'm just assuming he can read minds since there is no way for him to tell you you don't want people to have a good day) ALTERNATIVELY he will rebut with "I can read other peoples minds and it doesn't help them out" (Once again, assuming he can read peoples minds because he is making a broad generalization about a group of people that is mostly untrue in my experience)
[IPH]: "Yes I am, and it makes me feel better when people say it to me"
Ok, so now this is where we are, how shall we continue?
Bottom line, it is polite to do so. Without these little nuances our society would not be what it is today. If you don't want to be polite, go ahead and don't say it, but if you take offense at people saying it to you you probably don't belong in society.
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