I tell people that I believe in both God and Evolution and I always get people getting surprised and upset at my statement (religious and atheists) and I don't understand why? How is it a conflict if you believe that God simply guided or used Evoltution to create humans? And why do people get upset about that? I hear from some religious people that I'm a heritic because I belive in Evolution, and I hear from some Athiests that Ican't belive in God and Evolution because they say that "smart people"(their words not mine) don't believe in God and that only athiests can "truly understand" (again their words not mine)Evolution.
WellI'm sorry butboth those groups are wrong IMO, the relgious people refusing to accept science and learn about the world are not understanding what God is about IMO and arn't willing to see the way God works, while the atheists need to realise that believing in God doesn't make someone "stupid" nor does not beliving in God make someone "smarter" it doesn't and atheism has NOTHING to do withscience and Evolution isn't exclusive to atheists. When both groups realise this the better....
I respect other peoples views but I find it wrong when people try to create a conflict between these two things, does anyone else?
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