So recently in my philosophy class while debating debating determinism vs. freewill, one girl said that she supported freewill because otherwise life would have no meaning. She seemed to be unable to comphrend the fact (or more likely unwilling accept the idea) that life could very possibly have no meaning. I've noticed many people have this same fixation on the idea that there is some meaning or purpose to their life. I don't understand this at all. Are people so egotistical or desperate to be important that they insist that there is a reason for their existence? Why is it so hard to accept the idea that, in the end, we're all just one person out of 8 billion and that our life has absolutely no meaning except for that which we make for ourselves? Its not like it changes anything.
What your thoughts on this? Does life have meaning (and I'm talking about real meaning here, not that dumb "you're here to procreate" crap), or are we all just here by chance and natural laws, a result of biochemical processes with our only purpose in life to do whatever the hell we want to do? Oh, and if you do think life has meaning what are your reasons for believing that?
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