@Damedius: Well..... okay.
Will that make the world finally happy though?
Namely currency debasement and immigration.
an empire expands into another country and then falls because of 'immigration'?
how very ironic
The emperor allowed thousands of refugees fleeing the Huns to enter their empire. Those refugees would later sack Rome and lead to the downfall of their empire.
Probably why they don't teach much history any more. Any American studying Rome would see parallels.
This is a highly selective reading of Roman history, focusing only on the final years of Rome and ignoring the many centuries of immigration that the Roman civilization was built upon. The Romans themselves took pride in their civilization being founded by refugees, specifically Trojans from Asia Minor fleeing the Trojan War. While the Trojan War connection is debatable, what is known about early Rome was that it was founded by migrants, including Etruscans who had heritage from Asia Minor, as well as Indo-European migrants who migrated to the region.
Later, as Rome became an empire and expanded across large portions of Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa, the city of Rome at the height of its prosperity was a diverse multicultural city full of immigrants from across Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. Many Roman emperors themselves were migrants from across the across Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East, including an emperor called Philip the Arab. The last major classical Roman dynasty, the Severan dynasty, consisted of emperors who migrated from Syria and Libya. The Roman Empire itself most likely reached its greatest extent under the Severan dynasty's founder, Septimius Severus, a Libyan migrant who became Roman Emperor, before expanding the empire east into Arabia, south into the Sahara, and north into Scotland, and then died in England.
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