I know the obvious answer: for fun. But this made me think, some guys out there really try so hard to make girls like them that they get depressed if they were somehow ugly and get all "forever alone" sad when no girl likes them.
But at the end of the day it doesn't matter, or does it? I mean, if the girl you liked turned out to be your true love then kudos to you, you found your life mate. But most males out there are not intrested in such thing, they only want fun. So just because you're some weirdo, antisocial freak, or/and ugly this doesn't mean the end of life, right?
But again, what truly matters at the end of the day? Hard work? Job? Being happy?
We all know girls come and go and therefore they provide happiness for quite a limited time, and they leave us in such despair when they break our hearts. And as I said before not all males want to marry and settle in so life long realtionship is not there first option.
All men just want to have fun for a certain time (When having sex). But then again, we spend so much time trying to impress, like, and talk to a girl so we could get her to like us.
At the end of the day, we only want someone to make us happy so we go through all that sh**, but even that hapiness would not last us lifelong. So eternal happines cannot be attained? Why try so hard on something when that something could at some times just come to you (You get to know a girl you like without even trying)
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