Have you ever seen on the covers of women's magazines, hearing in on some high school girl's conversation, and in a whole lot of places...that women seem to keep track of men and think about us like all the time? Like "top ten ways to pick up guys", or "get the hottie you want", or "tips from men"...and so and so. Why do women seem to think of men like some other species to spy on or something? Yesterday I was jogging in soccer plactice doing my regular routine and there was this girls team practicing on the same field (we're a U19 team), and while we were running laps, there was this bundle of girls sitting at the side of the track, and every time a guy would run by, they would stare together and wisper "do you think he's cute?" "Oh no he's not, but that guy's so hot"....It's really immature and stupid.
To put it short, why do so many women tend to put men at the other side of this imaginary frontline and spy on us like we're this thing you have to win a date with? Anyone felt this way?
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