The gains no longer outweigh the massive costs. Just to get to Mars it would take months of space travel. Only to find out what we pretty much already know, there isn't jack on that planet we could really benefit from.
Going to the moon during the 60s was just an offshoot of the cold war. We gained a lot from it sure, but it was insanely expensive for the nation. Now there is very little benefit of actually doing these things aside from saying that we did it.
Private companies are starting to take up the space program because they are self-sustaining, NASA isn't. NASA's budget keeps getting cut becasue it's outlived it's usefulness. It was created to help us beat the Soviets, but now it's a massive drain.
Do you think that NASA will have a re-energised focus if any of the above mentioned countries are successful in their plans? Kind of like a 21st century space race that massively advances the technology required? Would be cool.Not really. Unless we find minerals or something that can payoff in the end, nobody will be investing the money. During the cold war, NASA's payoff was purely political from a funding point of view. Sure we got a lot of sweet tech from it, but now the tech innovation is pushed by the market's own demand for it. Back before space travel, people weren't always demanding better electronics. NASA's development drove up the demand to the point where it's self ssustaining.
People didn't care about the tech, they were just happy to live their lives with what they had. That's not the case anymore. Also other industries now demand the technology that would have been developed by NASA's further exploration of space.
I hate to see it go, but the amount of money we would need to sustain a succesful space program that could reach the moon and Mars far outweighs the benifits. As I said before, private companies could probably find the value in it. If they can find the value in it, they could find a way to make it self sustaining. Then we may see a resurgence of space exploration, if somebody could find the value in it and make it self sustaining.
A purely government funded program is extremely unlikely anymore, except for maybe China.
Yeah true. I hope something happens, regardless of where it comes from.
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