Can anyone tell me what the possible reasons are for individuals smoking cigarettes? You can get cancer, your teeth/nails become yellow, your general look starts changing, your house/car smell (lowering resale value), it's not "cool" as most people don't smoke, and you can't even get high from it like other drugs. This whole concept confounds me, and I'm in utter disbelief as to why people still smoke when we know so much about its negative impacts on the smoker, and those around him/her via sidestream smoke, second-hand smoke, and the recently named hazard of third-hand smoke. If not for the general public, then they should stop for their families. Please, do enlighten me on this matter. I know some people got addicted way back when they were younger, and can't get off, but where there's a will, there's a way. If there are any smokers on GameSpot, then your comments would be valued greatly.
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