Not going to include the 21st century since we're only roughly 1/10th through it.
'Kay, so imperalism and human zoos were prominent throughout Europe's and America's colonies in the former half. Yes, people would pay to observe the "primitive" Africans or Southeast Asians in their natural habitat. People referred to non-whites, particularly Africans, as "the missing link." They put Africans and other non-Europeans above the great apes but lower than the European man. You think fanboys are pathetic for their superiority complex and unwarranted loyalty? At least they aren't harming people like these jerks.
Men could still rape their wives well into the second half of the 20th century. I'm pretty sure Canada didn't criminalize it until 1984 (some time in the 1980s), and America was definitely after the 1950s. Women were objectified. It's hard to see how prevelant this really was because the mass media isn't as big as it is today.
Censorship was bad, too. I am personally in favor of this, since it wouldn't kill people to have humility, but you couldn't cuss or show people in the same bed or have a "bad ending." Adaptations of books were "fixed" to fit the harsh criteria. Oh, and you want to protest? Well, screw you and the first amendment!
Schools prohibited the teaching of evolution or limited it (microevolution only, no macroevolution), particularly in the south. The Catholic Church never denied evolution for the record and have accepted for decades now.
Child abuse was socially accepted; expected actually. Despite studies that showed links between low IQ and violent behavior for getting a "well-deserved whooping," people still did it.
And worst of all, WARS and WARLORDS. Holy crap. Democracy turns to crap, especially in Eastern Europe. Dictators take advantage of vulnerable people and make widescale wars. At least the wars of the 19th century were limited to the armies, but everyone was caught in the crapstorm that was World War I and II. And during the 1920s and 1930s, even more wars and disputes over land in the east.
Henious crimes committed. I remember hearing a documentary that talked about how the Russians forced German women to watch them nail their kids on a cross, and then they raped the women. Tons of genocide, including the Holocaust, Armenian Genocide, and the one in China. And if you're Japanese (or some other type of Northeast Asian) American in America? Off to internment camp for you! Tons of anti-semitism and racism.
Actually, ya know what, 21st century is better. Why does all the youth of today complain about the modern world? At least there's not as many dictators intentionally causing famine to kill populations.
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