Honestly whats up? All it is, is a circle going around. Boomers got bagged on by the Generation before them, Generation X got bagged on my Boomers, and now this generation is getting bagged on by generation X, and good portion of the baby boomers. Honestly just like on the Peen and Teller BS show , what's good times? Honestly, people just can't seem to adapt to change, the same crap happened with the hippie movement and now those same people are the downers, after they've been downed.
I understand most mainstream music sucks these days, the media is crap, but is that really these new kids fault? NEW FLASH! THESE KIDS AREN'T RUNNING THE MEDIA! WOW, who runs the media, and is pushing this crap downs these kids throats? Lil Wayne, Epic Movie, the Saw series! All stuff being made by a bunch of guys older than these kids these days, you think 16 year old kids, are selling other teens crappy music? Are they signing crap rock bands, and crap rap artist? NO; the old out of touch 50+ exec is.
And how can you blame these kids? The only thing they here on the radio, can buy from a store, and can see on the TV is the stuff that these older guys are shoving down their throats. And how can you blame them for liking it, when it's the only stuff they here and don't want to search in the net for you're favorite underground band, or old classics? See the thing is, you aren't doing anything better, all you are doing is teaching this kids how to depreciate the things they have it favor for a time, music, and culture trend they didn't live through. YOU TEACHING THESE KIDS TO BE APATHETIC AND PESSIMISTIC! You wan't them to stop listening to crap rap yet you sell it to them and play it constantly, you want them to dress better, but you sell them the ugly tacky clothing! You wan't them to make better music, go out side and stop using the tech BUT YOU FAIL TO REALIZE YOU ARE SELLING IT TO THEM!
When you look back at this generation it's going to be a lost one, one full of people pushed back and forth and not knowing whats right from wrong in a high sense. Everyone loses out, like I said, stop downing these kids, and teaching them why the shouldn't apreciate what is being newly built, and stop teaching them "OH ACDC was a great band, bands these days suck!" Honestly, the same happend when your parents look at you and said why your music sucks compared to elvis, why ripped jeans sucked compare to casual slacks, and why watching some internet show, is worse than watching leave it to beaver.
The only difference is this generation is catching it from all sides and they don't even see it yet.
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