You can take my good person test at the bottom of my post and find out. Most think they are good. Here's a test to find out?
1. Ever lied? Even a white one? (9th commandment)
Yes, I have
2. Ever stolen something? No matter how small? (8th commandment)
Yes, I work in a office and I have taken pens
3. Ever killed? That includes with your words? (Matt. 5-7) (6th commandment)
I have never physically killed. I do not know how to kill with words.
4. Ever committed adultery which includes looking at someone with lust? (Matt. 5-7) (7th commandment)
Yes, not physically. But, I lust.
5. Ever taken God's name in vain which means to use it mockingly or as a curse word? (3rd commandment)
Yes, I have. I do nto like doing it.
6. Ever committed idolatry? Which means to put anything above God. (1st commantment)
I do not know. I have revered things, and wanted things, but never have I worshipped anything as regarded it as highly as God.
That is just 6 of them. There are 4 more to go. If God judges by those commandments, which He will, will you go to heaven or hell? Some might say that, "I'd go to hell but God is love so He'll forgive me." Let me prove that doesn't make sense by this illustration. The bible says God is holy, righteous (perfect), and just. If that is true He can't overlook sin. Think about it this way:
You rob a bank of 3 million dollars and kill 2 people in the process. While standing in front of the judge, the death penalty staring you in the face, you tell the judge you are sorry for your crimes but that he is a loving judge and you know he'll forgive you. He does!!!
Is that truly just? In Vermont a judge let a man go who raped a small child. His response for doing this? Well, he is diseased! I'm just being compassionate. Everyone in the country wanted this guy hrown off the bench. We expect our judges to be just yet we think God should overlook our crimes against Him. Some say, I've done good works? Let's go back to the courtroom,
You rob a bank of 3 million dollars and kill 2 people. While standing in front of the judge, the death penalty staring you in the face, you tell the judge you know you deserve the death penalty but you took 2 million of the money you stole and gave it to a hospital to help kids with cancer. Will the judge let you go? Of course not! Should God forgive you even if you've done good things? Of course not! Especially when the standard is absolute perfection.
The standard is to keep all of God's law (10 commandments) perfectly our whole lives. If we sin even once we go to hell. Since we are all sinners that means we are screwed because none are perfect. That is why we need Christ. He lived a perfect life when we couldn't. He bore our punishment when we couldn't.
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