You can take my good person test at the bottom of my post and find out. Most think they are good. Here's a test to find out?
1. Ever lied? Even a white one? (9th commandment)
2. Ever stolen something? No matter how small? (8th commandment)
3. Ever killed? That includes with your words? (Matt. 5-7) (6th commandment)
4. Ever committed adultery which includes looking at someone with lust? (Matt. 5-7) (7th commandment)
5. Ever taken God's name in vain which means to use it mockingly or as a curse word? (3rd commandment)
6. Ever committed idolatry? Which means to put anything above God. (1st commantment)
That is just 6 of them. There are 4 more to go. If God judges by those commandments, which He will, will you go to heaven or hell? Some might say that, "I'd go to hell but God is love so He'll forgive me." Let me prove that doesn't make sense by this illustration. The bible says God is holy, righteous (perfect), and just. If that is true He can't overlook sin. Think about it this way:
I answered yes to all of that and I still consider myself a good person.
1. Yes, mostly to get my parents, teachers, etc, off my back (like saying I did my homework when I didn't), it's one of my greatest flaws, but I've been trying hard in recent years to fix it and I'm making good progress.
2. Yes, only small things (pens, pencils, etc), the last time I did it must have been around 8th grade, and I did it VERY rarely, it was not a habit or anything. Now I never do it, and I'm against stealing even such small things, if I found something of yours in the ground I'd give it back.
3. Not literally. I did say some very nasty things to people in the past, but I try not to anymore, I'm actually a nice guy.
4. I've never cheated on my girlfriend, that should be enough. That lust thing is just stupid, you're not doing anything wrong, and we're just humans, what would you have us do?
5. and 6. Yes and yes. How is that wrong? How does it affect others? It doesn't make any sense at all, is god so insecure he can't handle a mere human throwing bs at him?
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