[QUOTE="eggdog1234"]He has committed to stopping the war in Iraq.
So has McCain.
Not in the same time frame or with the same intent.
He has committed to spending a good chunk of change on alternative energy.
So has McCain.
Not in the same amount, and not with the same intent.
He has committed to ending our dependence on foreign oil.
So has McCain.
Political BS. No one on the right will invest in ending our dependence on foreign oil unless they can make money off of it.
He has committed on lowering my taxes.
At the expense of raising the taxes of other citizens.
BS, what tax bracket might you fall into fine sir?Mccain will "lower" taxes for all, with the higher income families benefiting more.
He has committed to fighting for equal rights.
So is fighting terrorism.
He has an overall quality that I like. He seems smart and engaging, not stand offish, negative and foolish.
Politically irrelevant.
Just like 90% of both presidential campains.
He is a product of America. What I mean by that is he has had a life that required hope and faith to get from where he started to where he is. He had no blood money or "ins" to politics.
Politically irrelevant.
I think you are wrong here, because I feel that Obama can make a decisions based on his life which will reflect the majority of America.In other words, I feel more connection with someone from a broken home who worked his way to the top, as opposed to a wealthy out of touch person. It is a personal opinion, but I feel politically relevant. It wokrs both ways though, you can say that McCain holds your values close because you have had a similar upbringing and life ****
He is pro-choice, pro-women, and pro-family.
Pro-Live Birth Abortions, Anti-Children, Anti-family (he voted against notifying parents of minors who sneak out of state just to get an abortion; not very pro-family).
IMO he is very pro-family. Sorry we just do view the world the same.
He will appoint justices to the supreme court that are more in line with my view of the world.
Good for you.
Is there enough material in there for you to disagree with or do you want to start calling each other names?
That's enough.
Yes it is
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