LOLLL what the f*ck is going on in this thread free bradley manningMrPraline
From paragraph 9 of DD Form 4:
I understand that many laws, regulations, and military customs
will govern my conduct and require me to do things under this
agreement that a civilian does not have to do.
As a member of the Armed Forces of the United States, I will be:
(1) Required to obey all lawful orders and perform all assigned
(3) Subject to the military justice system, which means, among
other things, that I may be tried by military courts-martial.
The US military hasn't drafted anybody since 1973. Bradley Manning under his own free will signed the document I linked above and as a result under his own free will agreed to abide by it. If he didn't want to then he should have stayed a civilian.
Despite Obama's promises, transparency is not something we can expect from the fedgov sadly.MrPraline
Transparency is nice in theory but that isn't something you can expect on a document that has the words "Secret" or "Top Secret" on the header and footer of it. Otherwise, there would be no purpose of giving out security clearance if everybody who asks nicely is allowed to look at classified information.
People can call Bradley Manning a whistleblower all day long, but he doesn't meet the criteria.
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