The Anarchy States of America
This is quite sad. People criticizing the government left and right. People losing fate into everything about there lives. Jobs being lost, and hardily any being replace. Food and medicine becoming more expensive with inflation, making people starving, and losing health cause they can no longer afford to buy important things. The environment is being destroyed or worsens with each year to our negligence and wasteful side of being humans…
The list goes on and on.
It seems to me and my family as well, that the U.S.A is degrading and becoming more unstable within each moment since this downturn last year. Every one thought that Obama would be the savor, that he was going to the guy who would bring us back to our feet and make go further then we ever had gone before. But many were living a fantasy that he was an miracle worker (And the fact he was an African American and used change to gain a tone of popularity to win the election). He is only human after all, and he alone can't make everything turn good again. Congress, still bitterly divided since the election seems they can get there acts back together and help our new president help fix our way of life. It seems that they can not work out there differences, because they think they are right, and doesn't accept the need to change. The only reason many people criticize right now is that they either trying to fine anything, something that would fine a fault in him so they can bash him till there heart condense. Or that they don't want to change, because either they are rich and greedy and don't want to be effected by what he's doing, or people that are just idiots who once again, thinks they are all right and will not accept defeat.
People can be influence by an disaster. Either man made or natural. And the stock market recession is an error in the banks, which is run by the common humans. It seems that although we are trying to fix up this disaster we made, which is affected every one in the world; we just can't become organize for any short of rescued that is needed. The wildfire is still burning hundred of acresand now threatening many homes while the firefighter still can't decided to go in water blazing, or try some new racial method that haven't been proven and doesn't work up the courage to try it.
My grandfather thinks we will still degrade, more then what the experts think( Even my Dad thinks so). Even though he not one, he dose watch all the signs and it is pointed to further collapse of the people fate. Violent crimes seem now to be a happing everyday in our states. Robberies, murders, shootings, and kidnappings, everyday we had seen something new now, as this shows the anger that had been building up in all of us. It may not be related to the government, but it dose shows how a bad economy can make us all desperate.
This world we been living in has drastically change, and it seems that humans are still finding it hard to adapt, and many who just lost there jobs now try to find any short of way to make it through.(Sorry if I'm offending you guys by always stating us as Humans) I can now see where we are headed if every thing keep disintegrating like it is. My grandfather thinks it could come to a point, where we completely go rebellious and the police can no long cope with the increase violence. The military has to be called in and put up martial law. And yes there will be still a government, but one that still can't get it act together as it stays in internal limbo, while the peace falls through the roof. From how everything goes on from then, it's anyone guess. But if it happens to us, it could also happen to many other countries. After seeing a once powerful nation crumble, it could spark fear to every one and also loose fate in there own government. (And make the terrorist start dancing, unfortunately)
If any short of apocalypse is coming, an global Anarchy could be what many prophets way back then could be pointing at. Wars could even erupt from it, but once again we won't know till then right?
I can't give any short of solutions to how to fix everything up. That why we have experts right?
But I can say is that if we lose fate in anything, it could have grave consequence. Maybe it is time to set our differences aside and work for an common goal personally
I am sure that we all don't want America to come to this. So stop auguring and start doing something.
well that my opinion on this. I could do some research and make this piece better and such but since I'm in collage my time is short. But at least I got this off my chest
tell us what you think about this, or just bash it like the politics been doing for too long now and got no where, your choice.
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