I've noticed something about woman and the whole sauffregette trend. It seems like Women want to make Men look like dumb apes, and to pin all their problems on them. There are alot of Pro-Female think tanks who perform surveys which almost always come out saying that all Womens problems are directly related to Men, and their very existence.
Example :
Men cause almost all Car Accidents
Men are the lazier Sex
Men are unwilling to work
Men are always looking for a fight
Men are less intelligent than Women
Way to generalise.
What? Maybe you don't realise that Women and Men are part of the greater whole. Without Men, Women could not exist. Without Women, Men could not exist. The two go hand in hand.
When it boils down to it, down to a person-to-person level, all those things go away. You don't see couples saying, "Oh, statistically you are more likely to crash the car than I am, therefore I should drive", its all natural.
Women march right over men. I mean okay, Men and Women should plainly and obviously have the same rights, but if a company has more Male employees than Women, please don't make a big deal of it. Men have a place too.
Think about the world would be like without the feats achieved by Women, and then think about the same for Men.
So, stop trying to steamroller over us. Go home, talk to your partner. Apply that to the greater whole, don't just put everything into a statistic. It helps.
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