Played football in seventh grade. The QB hands me the ball and i take off. I make it to the line when a HUGE linebacker comes at me. Hits me and my leg bends back as i fall, and it bends so much i hear and feel a snap. eww. and i was in football pants so it was so uncomfortable trying to get those off of a fractured ankle. and even worse, right after it happened we went to this ER that was fairly new, and the ppl x-rayed me and they said it was a sprain, so i went to school the next day with no cast for my ankle. wow the pain was really bad, actually made me cry... i dont cry from pain hardly ever. and after a week we go to a real doctor who tells us it is fractured. i get a cast for 6 weeks.
embarassing part?? the other girl who was at my bus stop had sprained her sholder or something, and she was in a sling while i was on crutches. So our bus stop was known as the cripple stop, and i was known as cripple my whole 7th grade year, even after i got the cast off.
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