family is not religious...that is NOT the same as athiest - when you say not religious you mean to imply they do not worry about the subject and do not attend services of any kind NOT the extreme end that denys the extistence of a creator at all.
Either those who no longer go to church/temple/synagogue or agnostics who never made up their mind what they believe is what I think is the definition of NOT religious.
The bulk of my family falls into that camp now that my grand parents have passed. (strong Catholics and Presbyterian/Lutherans)
raising their four children in a non-religious family my parents have ended up with the following:
One daughter like them who gives no thought to religion and let her children make up their own mind.
One daughter who is a confirmed agnostic..her fave religious person was a priest who was so cute she could not dislike him.
One daughter who goes to a fundamentailst church and sends her children to Sunday School and Church camp.
Me the son who is Catholic and went to a Franciscan retreat and seriously considered entering the Priesthood.
You take responsibility for yourself in everything DO NOT try to blame it on your parents.
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